Friday, January 6, 2012

My puppy seems weak and just sleeps?

He is a Husky, 5 weeks old. We took him to the vet 3 days ago (Sunday) because he had diharrea and a dislocated arm (we do not know how it happened, we left him alone for about an hour while we went to M.) The vet said he had a lot of bacteria in his stomach, and that his throat was sore. The vet gave him a shot for pain, and a shot for dehidration. She also gave us an antibiotic and medicine for the diharrea. We gave our puppy Pedialyte, I believe is the name, and Gerber (baby food which the vet recomended.) We thought he was getting better, but we took him again today (Wednesday) because he seemed weak to us, and since about 6 of last night, all he does is sleep. The vet told us that he had a fever, and to suspend the medicine for the diharrea. She gave him another shot to lower the temp., and gave us a nutritional suplement since our puppy eats very little. He is now soft of asleep, but he keeps crying ): help please!!

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