Saturday, December 31, 2011
How can I find out about a Bob Hope Autograph(1944) on what looks like a leaflet?
This looks like it is on a small leaflet has an emblem on it ARMED SERVICES EDITION title I NEVER LEFT HOME copyright by Bob Hope/approx size is 3x5"
im all for waiting till u find the rite person because i did, {we are not married but we are 100% commited} but it seems as tho all this purity ring stuff is becoming more of a fad than what it really should be. and what i really hate is how girls claim so much about how they are going to wait till marriage and they are usurally the main ones who thier first time on some guy who cares nothing for them. it not only makes them look like idiots and hypocrites, but it gives girls who really do wait a bad name. now that i think of it, the girls i know who claimed to wait till marriage are the ones who seemed to have lost it before the girls who didnt make those commitments..... {AND PERSONALY WAITING IS A PERSONAL CHOICE AND I DONT THINK WALKING AROUND WITH A RING LETTING THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW IS REALLY NECESSARY. YOU DONT NEED A RING TO REMIND YOURSELF OF YOUR DECISION AND PPL WHO DO NEED THAT MAYBE SHOULD RETHINK THIER MORALS}
What's wrong with me and when should I go to the ER for rectal bleeding, very weak and in pain today?
i would say do some research online for the best doctor you can find and then email him exactlly what you just put here cause some thing is going on and you need to find out what it is. also get a second opioion from another doctor. i would go to the hospital and next time you have a bowel movement i would collect some and rush to the er and tell them whats going on.
Is this a good plot for a middle school story? (I'm not skilled or anything..)?
A girl named Lily Beals and her friends Maggie Watson and Cepheus Dorgan are in cl while their mean teacher gives Lily and Maggie detention also a boy named Jared McCoy and his best friend Kai Mathews. So Jared says something to offend the school's snotty girl with the rich daddy named Sadie Lavenge which makes her run away somewhere in school, and Lily and friends hate her to death but they find her in the basement of the school along with Jared and Kai, and they all swear they've seen a ghost/been hearing weird things so they start going down more and Cepheus checks books out of the library about ghosts and stuff and the ghost is really a mother of a child, and the child's father blinded the mother and they call her the ghost of white eyes so it's their job to find and defeat the father but the problem is no one will believe them, any other ideas? is this lame?
Is it safe to eat shrimp alive!?!?
I just watched an online video of a special dish (ethically problematic!) and was wondering if it's safe to eat shrimp which are alive? It must be in some cirstances but how do they ensure they have no parasites that cooking normally kills?
Is okay not wanting to see ur brother?
I think it's okay if you are not ready to have a relationship with your brother. I do suggest you tell him how you feel and your concerns about his problems with the police and how it makes you uncomfortable. If you do not talk to him he will continue to text, call and you will continue to feel more and more uncomfortable. You may then just grow to resent him. Sounds like you did not grow up with your brothers. Talk to him,let him know your not ready . If his a good brother he will understand. God bless.
Is this a dangerous situation if the guy is married??
Ask your parents when you'll be old enough to watch the rest of this movie; then you'll know how it ends.
Can i become an aerospace engineer?
I want to become an aserospace engineer and study at a selective school but the problem is I got to an inner-city school with only 35% grad rate and they dont even offer advanced math or science courses in my school, so How am I even supposed to prepare to become one?
Will my milk supply increase?
Yes, being able to nurse your baby will help your supply especially if you're nursing on demand ( frequently nursing your baby signals to your body that he needs more milk) . also babies are much more effective at emptying your then a pump is. In the meantime continue pumping to maintain your supply. Best wishes
Military..... Delinquencies Juvenile Criminal records?
During your background investigation the investigating officer may find your sealed file. Whether he is able to view your felonies or not, I am not sure. All I can say is if he is able to view them and you don't disclose them on your application, you could be charged with false enlistment and face time in the brig.
How harmful would it be to smoke during pregnancy...?
I know I shouldnt smoke at all..Im 4 weeks pregnant and smoke 1-2 packs a day...i havent had a drink since ive found out...which is about 2weeks ago...can i keep smoking atleast a cig or 2 a day?...My fiancee doesn't know im smoking...
Why are NSW playing so poorly?
The only one who tried was Jamie Soward the rest of team did not care which was really dissapointing. The only time NSW managed to score is when QLD took their foot off the pedal aside from that they were dominated the whole game. I don't know if Stuart or some of the players need be axed but if something is not done QLD will win this years State of Origin again.
Why are the qualities of God contradicted in the Bible, if it is the word of God why has it got contradictions?
Cherry Picking much, just the first one, The mighty army could not do it, read on GOD used 300 of the weak, farmer soldiers to get the job done!!! . The only contradictions is you reading it and cherry picking.
Recovering messages after deletion?
I clicked the mouse to soon as it was hovering over Spam, and all messages which had been ticked for flagging have been deleted as from 2nd January to 6th January, is there any way of retreiving them
Will the conservatives of the early 21 century America even get a museum exhibit?
Unfortunately, the people who call themselves conservatives are not really. They are frightened frustrated junior high school minded adults who cannot accept that their tinker toys have been taken away from them and they've been told to grow up. These people have decided the hatred and ignorance of their country's laws and world geography should carry the day. Even here the geniuses continue to claim President Obama is not a citizen He was born in Hawaii while it was a state while John McCain was born in the Panama C Zone ...not a state not American soil yet I can accept his claim of citizenship why can't they? Oh! I forgot. Limbaugh the entertainer tells them what to think.
Roleplaying and Religion, what do you think?
May I ask why you would think something such as a RPG is bad? (Other than the explosive ones). An RPG is just a form of entertainment. As long as I have the maturity to say, "This is fake. I do not believe this to be true," why would it be sinister? They aren't created with the intention to convert people to any religion that may or may not be in the game so how are they dangerous to your faith? Forum games are especially benign in my opinion. I personally am a part of one and and include God as part of my character. Is it directly pointing out as being the Christian God? (The one I believe in). No. But it is a representation of him. Just as Azlan from Narnia, (I have no idea if I spelled that correctly), is a representation of Jesus. The goal is not for people to praise the lion as their savior, but entertainment. But, I may be wrong and unknowingly be promoting a form of entertainment I shouldn't. If that is the case then I ask for God's forgiveness. I just personally do not see problems with most RPGs.
Which is cheaper ? dental question?
I wish you would have put more detail and information into this post. We are left with little room to answer upon. age?financial capability? want? Dr. recommendations if you have visited one at all. Since I don't know much about your situation I will answer the best way i can. Go to a dentist and get an exam, let him give you his real opinion. Don't beat around the bush with him If he says things can be fixed with money. Everything can be fixed with money. If it is unrealistic in your situation to have 10k worth of dental work done then consider a full denture. BUT REMEMBER! once they are gone , THEY ARE GONE FOREVER! maybe it is just a few teeth that need to get fixed and they are the culprit of all the pain. then maybe a bridge is a more viable and realistic choice than removing all your teeth. I hope this helps. Personally, I wouldn't remove any of my teeth unless I really had to. And when I reach that point I'd rather go in some debt and get some implant bridge work done. that's just me though
What do you think of "Trouble" by Ray LaMontagne for a bridal entrance song?
I am doing nontraditional music for my wedding ceremony and so far this is what I am doing "The Prayer" Josh Groban for seating of mothers (kind of traditional) Forever Ben Harper for entrance of groomsmen/groom, Book of Love Peter Gabriel or Storbook Love from Princess Bride for bridesmaids. I like the part "Ive been saved by a woman" from Trouble--a little narcissistic perhaps but non traditional--my other option for my entrance is At Last Etta James--opininons??Suggestions?? Thanks
What to wear on a carribean cruise?
taking a christmas cruise, i want t look good, but not sure what style of clothing i should wear..bohemian..cly, casual..what about shoes?? dress up night..tail dress?? hellpp!!
Please help!! Really messed up situation?
I think I'd call the police and get their advice on this. You should have done it earlier in case he was driving while intoxicated. He's a danger on the road!
What should I do about my roommates?
You could try talking to them, not in a hateful way, just "what's up?" Try to find out what the problem is in not doing their share of 'clean up'. Ask them if they thought it would be best if you move out? Let it be their decision, (they think). If you get hostility from them, then you know what you need to do. If they're friendly, don't want you to move but continue to leave messes(after finding out it bothers you), you know what you need to do.
Can people who astral travel or who have "out of body experiences" answer this question?
I want someone to come to me in astral/spirit form and pull me out of my body just so I can see what its like the first time. I am trying to evolve spiritually and this would help me greatly.
Which video card will maximize my World of Warcraft experience?
Well if your running a Nvidia FX 5500 now(its an AGP slot card) the 6600 is better than the 6200 but look for a 6800gt. The best you can buy for an AGP slot is a BFG brand Nvidia Geforce 7800gs OC edition video card. They are hard to find because they dont make them new anymore but if you look on Ebay or your local craigslist you may find a used 1. I have the 7800gs in my backup PC & a 6800gt in a box in my bedroom.
Can somebody please explain The Box movie?
This should help. It covers the entire plot in detail. Read it slow like I did and you will understand.
New residential neighborhoods in chicago?
Use the link below and search for a house built after 1/1/2010 that is at least 1800 s.f. and then look at the pictures. The houses should all be new construction and therefore have the mounds you mentioned. I found one in Dekalb on Mary Ann Circle that was very similar
Problem with 6 year old?
As hard as it is, you are just going to have to deal with it. I am on the other end with my litttle brother but if you just put stuff that you dont want her getting into away and maybe lock your room and then go out somewhere with your best friend because that is what it is really about and maybe talk to your mom about going out with their parents and taking jess with them to like a zoo or something kid friendly.
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